A cube has 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 corners.

The sides of a cube are equal in length. All faces are square in shape.

A cuboid has 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 corners.

The opposite sides of each face are equal in length.

All faces are rectangular in shape.

A cylinder has 3 faces.

There are 2 flat faces and 1 curved face.

It also has 2 round edges.

A cone has two faces. One is a plane face and the other is a curved face. It has one round edge and 1 vertex.

A sphere has only 1 curved or round face.

Exercise 4.2

A. Fill in the blank.

  1. A sphere has one _____________.
  2. A cone has one _____________ edge.
  3. The opposite sides of each face is _____________, in a cuboid.
  4. A cuboid has _____________ faces, _____________edges.
  5. A cylinder has _____________ edges.

B. Complete the table below.

Faces Edges Corners
Cube 6
Cuboid 8
Cylinder 2
Cone 1
Sphere 0

C. Determine the type of face that the following solid objects have. First one is done for you.

1. Dice Flat
2. Pencil box ______________
3. Water bottles ______________
4. Football ______________
5. Ice cream cones ______________
6. Books ______________

D. Look at the objects below and write down their shapes.