4 – digit addition without regrouping

Example 1: Add: 2450 and 1336

Add ones: 0 one + 6 ones = 6 ones

Add tens: 5 tens + 3 tens = 8 tens

Add hundreds: 4 hundreds + 3 hundreds = 7 hundreds

Add thousands: 2 thousands + 1 thousand = 3 thousands

Answer: 3 thousands 7 hundreds 8 tens 6 ones or 3786.

Exercise 2.1

4–digit addition with regrouping

Example 2:

Add: 4787 and 3458

Step 1: Add ones.

7 ones + 8 ones = 15 ones

15 ones = 10 ones + 5 ones = 1 ten + 5 ones.

Write 5 in ones column and carry 1 ten to tens column.

Step 2: Add tens.

1 ten + 8 tens + 5 tens = 14 tens

14 tens = 10 tens + 4 tens = 1 hundreds + 4 tens

Write 4 in tens column and carry 1 hundred to hundreds column.

Step 3: Add hundreds.

1 hundred + 7 hundreds + 4 hundreds = 12 hundreds

12 hundreds = 10 thousand + 2 hundreds

Write 2 in hundreds column and carry 1 thousand to thousands column.

Step 4: Add thousands.

1 thousand + 4 thousand + 3 thousand = 8 thousand

Answer: 8 thousands 2 hundreds 4 tens 5 ones or 8245

Exercise 2.2