Conversion of Rupees and Paise

Writing rupees and paise

₹ 50 and 50 p read as rupees 50 and 50 paise.

The amount of money in the figure is written as ₹ 50.50.

'.' separates rupees from paise. The figure to the left of the point is rupees, and the figure right to the point is paise. This is how we write the amount of money:

Remember: ₹ (amount of rupees) . (amount of paise)

Example 1:

Rupees 30 and 55 paise = ₹ 30.55

Rupees 2 and 10 paise = ₹ 2.10

Rupees 15 and 5 paise = ₹ 15.05

Exercise 8.1

A. Write in figures.

1. 6 paise = __________________________________
2. Rupees 5 and 25 paise = __________________________________
3. Rupees 10 and 25 paise = __________________________________
4. Rupees 15 and 50 paise = __________________________________
5. Rupees 50 = __________________________________
6. Rupees 100 and 9 paise = __________________________________

B. Write in words.

1. ₹ 0.08 = ______________________________________________
2. ₹ 10.40 = ______________________________________________
3. ₹ 6.90 = ______________________________________________
4. ₹ 40.44 = ______________________________________________
5. ₹ 123.12 = ______________________________________________
6. ₹ 150 = ______________________________________________

Conversion of rupees and paise

Rupees into paise

Multiply the amount in rupees by 100 to convert it into paise as ₹ 1 = 100 paise.

Example 2: ₹ 5 = 5 × 100 = 500 paise

₹ 15 = 15 × 100 paise = 1500 paise

When the amount is in 'rupees and paise':

Step 1: Multiply the amount in rupees by 100.

Step 2: Add it to the amount in paise.

Example 3: Rupees 15 and 50 paise = 15 × 100 paise + 50 paise

= 1500 paise + 50 paise

= 1550 paise

But if the amount is written in the figure as ₹ 50.56 then simply remove the point to convert into paise.

Example 4: ₹ 50.56 = 5056 paise

Example 5: ₹ 55.50 = 5550 paise

Paise into rupees

Place a point '.' before the second digit from the right of the amount, to convert paise into rupees.

Example 6:

4351 paise = ₹ 43.51 or rupees 43 and 51 paise

610 paise = ₹ 6.10 or rupees 6 and 10 paise

7408 paise = ₹ 74.08 or rupees 74 and 8 paise

Exercise 8.2

A. Convert rupee in to paise

1. ₹ 9 ____________________________________
2. ₹ 25 ____________________________________
3. rupees 35 and 26 paise ____________________________________
4. rupees 550 and 5 paise ____________________________________
5. ₹ 80.04 ____________________________________
6. ₹ 678.98 ____________________________________

B. Complete the table by converting paise into rupees and writing it in words.

1. 6480 paise ₹ 64.80 rupees 64 and 80 paise
2. 300 paise
3. 1234 paise
4. 6740 paise
5. 999 paise
6. 1200 paise