Electric Potential difference
Electricity & Magnetism > Current electricity
A multi purpose measuring instrument A multi purpose measuring instrument A voltmeter designed specifically for low voltage test applications and this instrument can be used as a voltage source, a current source, a voltage meter, a current meter, and an ohmmeter.

The potential difference is defined as the work done per unit charge to move a positive test charge between A and B.

The base unit for potential difference is the Joule per Coulomb (J/C) (or) volts (V). The change in the electrical potential energy (which is equal to the work done) is the potential difference. It can be measured with a voltmeter. It is said that one joule of energy is gained by each coulomb of charge when moved through a potential difference of one volt.

The difference between electric potential and potential difference (Voltage) is as follows: If a rock with mass 'm' is lifted to a height 'h' it gains the energy 'mgh'. Now divide it by 'm' we get 'gh'. Which quantifies the energy required to lift something on earth. Gravitational potential is a property of the gravitational field generated by the planet. Potential energy is a property of a specific mass lifted on the planet.

Similarly, If a charge (mass) 'q' is moved through a potential difference (height) 'U' it gains the energy q×U. Now, divide it by q to get 'U'. which quantifies the amount of energy required to move a charge in the electric field. Electric potential energy is a property of the specific charge moving in the field.The Electric potential is similar to height.