Ever since humans started to take an interest in the world around them, they have studied the appearance and feel of objects and materials they encountered. Gradually they experimented with materials to discover how they could be used.
In this age of high technology, nobody can undermine the importance of understanding materials. New man–made materials, alloys have found immense applications in our daily lives. Who can forget the importance of steel, plastics, nylons, superconducting alloys, semiconductors and other new materials?
The properties of solids depend on electronic configurations of its constituent elements. It is the electrons that take part in chemical reactions and therefore their interactions are the main factors that determine the outcome of the behavior of a solid.
We can have a good feel for a solid if we know about their few basic properties:
Density of solid:
It's a measure of the compactness of matter, of how much mass occupies a given space; it is the amount of mass per unit volume.
Density is usually expressed with metric units, generally kilograms per cubic meter, kilograms per liter, or grams per cubic centimeter.
Effect of temperature on density:
Most of the substances expand on heating and contract on cooling, but the mass remains unchanged. Therefore, the density of such substances decreases with the increase in temperature and increases with the decrease in temperature.
The relative density of a substance is the ratio of the weight of any volume of the substance to the weight of an equal volume of water.
Pressure exerted by a solid:
Keep a book on the palm of your hand. As we know, the weight of an object is the force with which it is pulled vertically towards the earth. Thus, a force equal to the weight of the book acts downwards on the palm, in a direction perpendicular to the palm. An equal and opposite force is exerted on the book by the palm, which keeps the book stationary. In the above example, a force acts perpendicular to the surface, and this force is called thrust. Its SI unit is Newton (N).
The effect of the thrust depends on:
Pressure is defined as the thrust per unit area.
The unit of pressure is Pascal (Pa), which is equal to a force of 1 N over an area of 1 sq. m.
Elastic properties:
Solids have definite shapes in addition to sizes and hence they can have deformations of shapes as well as of sizes. If a deformed body regains its shape or size when the deforming forces are removed, we say the body is elastic. Thus a spring, a rubber band or a gas filled in a balloon are elastic, to some extent.
We can visualize an elastic solid as an array of particles joined together by springs. When deforming forces are applied, the springs get elongated or compressed. In trying to regain their original shape, they exert restoring forces on the particles. When the deforming forces are removed, the restoring forces bring the solid back to its original shape and size. The property possessed by a material body, due to which it regains its original dimensions, as soon as any deforming forces acting on it are removed, is called elasticity.
Stress & strain:
Hooke's law:
A British physicist Robert Hooke noted the relationship between external applied force and elasticity in the mid–seventeenth century. The relationship is known as the Hooke's law. The amount of stretch or compression (change in length), dx, is directly proportional to the applied force F.
In shorthand notation, F ∼ dx
The principle that when a body is deformed, within its elastic limit, the strain produced is directly proportional to the stress, and this is known as the Hooke's law.
Elastic fatigue:
The elastic fatigue is defined as the loss of strength of the material by subjecting it to repeated or alternating strain. To avoid elastic fatigue, some precautions are always taken.
Thermal expansion:
Thermal expansion means "increase in size on heating". Various substances expand (increase in size) when their temperature is raised and contract (decrease in size) when their temperature is lowered.
Expansion of solids:
Whenever a solid in the form of a metal block is heated, it generally expands in length, breadth and height, so there will be expansion in volume. This kind of expansion of solid is called cubical expansion or volume expansion. However, if we heat a solid, which is in the form of a sheet (its thickness can be neglected as compared to its surface area), then the increase in area is called superficial expansion. Similarly, if we heat a solid, which is in the form of a wire (its cross–section area is too small compared to its length and hence can be neglected), then the increase in length is called linear expansion.