Root system consists of a primary root and secondary roots. The primary root originates in the radicle of the seedling.
During its growth it re–branches to form the lateral roots or secondary roots. Generally, two categories of root system are recognized. They are,
In most plants the absorption of water and minerals occurs primarily near the root tips with the aid of outgrowths called root hairs. Root hairs are small hair–like extensions of the outer layer of root epidermal cell (protective cell on a plant surface). Their function is to absorb nutrients and water. Roots can have an amazingly large number of root hairs. Root hairs increase the surface area of the roots, increasing the capacity to absorb nutrients and water. For example, a rye plant can have more than 14 billion root hairs that make up a surface area about as large as a football field.
Thus, the four major functions of roots are 1) absorption of water and inorganic nutrients, 2) anchoring of the plant body to the ground, and supporting it, 3) storage of food and nutrients, 4) vegetative reproduction.