Treatment Options
Human Physiology & Health > Renal System
 Kidney repair by stem cells Kidney repair by stem cells is a complex process that involves adult autologous stem cells and the kidney's own stem cells. The advances in stem cells research and cell therapeutic protocols development are paving the road to the ultimate treatment options for chronic conditions like renal diseases.

Chronic kidney disease means progressive loss of the kidney function that leads to end stage kidney disease (ESKD). End stage kidney disease is the complete or almost complete kidney function failure. This condition takes place when kidneys lose their ability to maintain the day to day level of function. They lose their capacity to filter wastes and regulate other important body functions. After chronic kidney disease worsens, the organ function level goes to or below 10% of normal capacity.

People with chronic high blood pressure (hypertension) often take a class of drugs called diuretics to control their blood pressure. Diuretics reduce Na reabsorption from the lumen of the nephron. Water reabsorption is also reduced. Therefore, Na and water are lost in the urine, which increases urine flow. The decreased reabsorption of Na and water from the nephron reduces blood volume, thereby reducing blood pressure.

Dialysis is a medical procedure that artificially cleans the blood of people whose kidneys have stopped functioning. Lithotripsy is a method of breaking up stones in the kidney, bladder or ureter (the tube that connects the kidney and bladder) using highly concentrated ultrasonic waves. A kidney transplant is an operation that places a healthy kidney in the body. The transplanted kidney takes over the work of the two kidneys that failed.