These are named by adding the word diazonium to the name of parent
aromatic compound followed by the name of anion. For example, Benzene dizonium
Di nitrogen in the diazonium group develops charges due to bonded more
electronegative chlorine. The developed charges are responsible for participating in
specific reactions like Coupling reaction, Sandmeyer reaction, etc.
I. Coupling reaction:
Benzene diazonium chloride reacts with phenol at para position to form p-hydroxy azobenzene.
This type of electrophilic substitution is known as coupling
reaction. The
products are colored compounds that are used as dye in paint and textile industries.
II. Sandmeyer reaction:
It is used to convert an aryl diazonium salt to aryl halide using copper(I) halide as
III. Gatterman reaction:
It is an alternate reaction for the Sandmeyer reaction. This is carried out with halogen
acid in presence of copper powder.